Indonesia Thousands of Confidential Documents Leaked On Wikileaks whistleblower website Wikileaks as a state-led Julian Assenge, may be more excited after Wikileak reported that they had at least 3059 secret U.S. documents related to the problem of Indonesia. The editor of Wikileaks, Assange himself Julean considered a hero by many people for daring to divulge keboborokan share the world politicians and political shrewdness Countries Such Uncle Sam. But by some diplomats Wikileaks and Julian Assange regarded as traitors and allegedly being hunted by various states secret agent who felt frustrated by his behavior. Three documents have been leaked by Wikileaks on Indonesia, are: East Timor (confidential document dated 5 November 1999): RI Bill Clinton pressed to accept the presence of an international peacekeeping force in East Timor after the referendum in 1999. Halt military cooperation the U.S. and Indonesia, ...
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