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Indonesia Thousands of Confidential Documents Leaked On Wikileaks

whistleblower website Wikileaks as a state-led Julian Assenge, may be more excited after Wikileak reported that they had at least 3059 secret U.S. documents related to the problem of Indonesia. The editor of Wikileaks, Assange himself Julean considered a hero by many people for daring to divulge keboborokan share the world politicians and political shrewdness Countries Such Uncle Sam. But by some diplomats Wikileaks and Julian Assange regarded as traitors and allegedly being hunted by various states secret agent who felt frustrated by his behavior.Three documents have been leaked by Wikileaks on Indonesia, are:East Timor (confidential document dated 5 November 1999):

RI Bill Clinton pressed to accept the presence of an international peacekeeping force in East Timor after the referendum in 1999.
Halt military cooperation the U.S. and Indonesia, and threaten tougher sanctions if they are not willing to work together, control the militias, and repatriate 200 thousand East Timorese refugees.
Supporting decisions about the IMF and the World Bank to stop their assistance to Indonesia.
Help is removed for 2000 include 75 million dollars in aid the U.S. economy, Economic Support Funds and $ 5 million in IMET 400 thousand dollars.

Indonesia Election Issues 2004 (document dated May 20, 2005):

SBY called as "the thinking general" or General who like to think.
If Wiranto became president, RI and U.S. relations will be very complicated because the U.S. Congress paid great attention to the issue of human rights abuses in East Timor.
The success of the 2004 elections confirmed the dominance of secular parties, namely Golkar, PDIP, and the Democratic Party.

Problems Kopassus Training (Document Date January 26, 1999):

Since 1992, the U.S. Congress cut the program of the International Military Education and Training (IMET) for Indonesia in the wake of Santa Cruz. However, under the DoD JCET program approved by the State Department, U.S. Green Berets to train 60 members of the military special forces in Indonesia, mostly Kopassus. JCET training quibble though purely military urban warfare training curriculum entitled 'crowd control'.
April 1998, members of the U.S. Congress sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Cohen Evans who called JCET program outsmart the Congressional ban. JCET was stopped May 8, 1998.

Let's wait for the other secret documents on Indonesia to be leaked by Wikileaks further, it may be more horrendous, and also may open ulcers some 'Person' in Indonesia.
JAKARTA - have as many as 3059 Wikileaks secret documents related to the United States of Indonesia. The document is a kind of diplomatic reports sent from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya. Website Wikileaks has promised to publish the documents in stages.
And apparently Wikileaks began to keep his promise. Three documents concerning Indonesia has been released. The document was created in the formCongressional Research Service (CSR), a think tank of the U.S. Congress. CRS document is usually the basis for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives in their policy. Here are the contents of the document:
East Timor issueCRS Report RS20332East Timor Crisis: U.S. Policy and Options5 November 1999
* Bill Clinton administration pressed Indonesia to accept the presence of an international peacekeeping force in East Timor after the referendum in 1999.
* Stopping U.S. military cooperation and Indonesia and threatened tougher sanctions if they are not willing to work together, control the militias, and repatriate 200 thousand East Timorese refugees.
* Supports IMF and the World Bank's decision to stop their assistance to Indonesia.
* Help is removed for 2000 include economic aid 75 million U.S. dollars, Economic Support Funds and $ 5 million in IMET 400 thousand dollars

About 2004 ElectionCRS Report RS21874 Analyst in Southeast and SouthAsian Affairs May 20, 2005
* Yudhoyono called the thinking general
* If Wiranto for president, RI and U.S. relations will be very complicated because the U.S. Congress paid great attention to the issue of human rights abuses in East Timor.
* The success of the 2004 elections confirmed the dominance of secular parties, namely Golkar, PDIP, and the Democratic Party.
Special Forces TrainingDocuments Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) and Human Rights Background and Issues for CongressJanuary 26, 1999
* Since 1992, the U.S. Congress cut off Military Education and Training program in international institutions (IMET) for Indonesia in the wake of Santa Cruz.
* However, under the DoD JCET program approved by the State Department, U.S. Green Berets to train 60 members of the military special forces in Indonesia, mostly Kopassus. JCET training quibble though purely military urban warfare training curriculum entitled 'crowd control'.
* April 1998, members of the U.S. Congress sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Cohen Evans who called JCET program outsmart the Congressional ban. JCET was stopped May 8, 1998.
Sources: WikiLeaks, Congressional Research Service


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